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Yogas in Your Birth Chart

In Hindu astrology, yoga is formed when one planet, sign, or house is related to another by placement, aspect, or conjunction. It is the consideration of the planetary dasha's directional...


In Hindu astrology, yoga is formed when one planet, sign, or house is related to another by placement, aspect, or conjunction. It is the consideration of the planetary dasha's directional effects, the most important factor which distinguishes Hindu astrology from Western astrology.

Astrology yogas define a specific planetary combinations or formations seen in a birth chart. Most Yogas consist of more than one planet.

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning to unite, join properly or to integrate. It has been used to indicate lunisolar distances and planetary situations, associations, and combinations.

Yoga may have good or bad effects. There are some yogas which are positively powerful and auspicious and some that could create some obstacles and difficulties in life. Some yogas indicate renunciation and some cancel the effects of inauspicious yogas.

There are thousands of yogas and some are so powerful that they can greatly influence a person’s birth chart.

Find out what yoga’s you have in your birth chart and what each of them means, including whether you have the Mahapurusha Yogas in your Birth Chart.

Of the many yogas the Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas (‘Pancha’ means five, and Mahapurush means a great person) are the most revered in vedic astrology and are formed by the five planets; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn forming five unique combinations.

Each combination brings specific gifts to someone who is born under its influence, be it wealth, intelligence, communication skills or a hardworking nature. Having a Mahapurusha Yoga in your chart shows a quality that you have that allows you the ‘potential’ to become a great person.

Even if you don’t have one of these combinations in your natal chart, you can still experience it at certain times by transit.

Learning to work with the Maha Purusha Yogas in your chart, by birth or by transit, can be very extremely useful. It can help you identify key strengths and provide you with beneficial rituals to help you become a truly great person on this planet.

Discover the Yogas in your birth chart with this report.

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